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Build Better AI Apps With


Maximize AI innovation with Unltd AI. One API connects you to OpenAI, Stable Diffusion, and other custom models. Add and remove models easily. Experiment with the best in AI fast. Simplify and centralize your AI integrations.

One Account

Access the worlds most powerful AI models from one location and only pay one bill. Turn on and off AI capabilites at the press of a button. No more juggling multiple AI providers.

Anonymized Requests

Secure your users data with Unltd AI. We anonymize requests to ensure privacy, keeping searches hidden from big AI providers.

Image, Text, and More

From image and text generation, to text analysis and audio processing, our platform supports a vast array of AI models, ensuring you have the right tool for every task! Plus we're adding more capabilities every day!

Custom AI

Customize your AI interactions effortlessly with our bot layer, shaping how users and applications engage with your chosen models.

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